Marie-José Gaillard is a palaeoecologist specialized in past vegetation, human impact, and cultural landscape history. She studied at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and moved to Sweden in 1981 (postdoc at Lund University). She was a researcher at the Department of Quaternary Geology, Lund University until 1998. She then moved to Linnaeus University and is professor in botany/vegetation history/palaeoecology since 2000. She is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science since 2011 and Professor Honoris Causa of the University of Tallinn (Estonia) since 2013. Her expertize is in pollen, plant macrofossil, and charcoal analyses, as well as pollen-vegetation modelling. She is interested in the interactions between humans, vegetation and climate in the past. Her studies were conducted primarily in Europe (Switzerland and Sweden in particular), but since 2010 also in Africa (Cameroon), China (temperate zone) and India (SE). Over the years she has had/have collaboration with numerous palynologists/palaeoecologists, and also with archaeologists, historians, and modellers (vegetation and climate). She recently coordinated a European research project on Holocene land cover-climate interactions in Europe. This project achieved for the first time a pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of plant cover over selected time windows of the past. The effect on climate of Holocene deforestation since 6000 years before present was also studied.
Marie-José Gaillard is a palaeoecologist specialized in past vegetation, human...
Marco Madella (PhD, Cantab 2000) is ICREA Research Professor of Environmental Archaeology at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain). He studies the socio-ecological dynamics of past human populations from Mediterranean to tropical environments. His interests span from past vegetation histories, origin of agriculture and phytolith analysis, people-plants co-evolutionary dynamics, the modelling and simulation of processes in human behavioural change, and long term trajectories of biodiversity and sustainability in prehistoric societies. Key areas for his work are South and West Asia, and South America.
Marco Madella (PhD, Cantab 2000) is ICREA Research Professor of...
Nicki Whitehouse (Associate Professor and Reader in Physical Geography, University in Plymouth) is an environmental archaeologist and palaeoecologist. Much of her recent work has been concerned with examining Holocene landscape change in response to natural and human-induced processs but especially the transition to agriculture in the Neolithic and the development of the cultural landscape. She has been concerned with the development of Neolithic agriculture, crops used, chronology, effects on the landscape and ecosystems and its implications for the British and Irish Neolithic. She is also a Quaternary entomologist, using sub-fossil beetles to look at questions of long term ecological change over the Quaternary, focusing on the palaeoecology and biodiversity of forested, grazed and anthropic systems.
Emily Hammer (PhD, Anthropology, Harvard University 2012) is the Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities, Archaeology and Anthropology of the Ancient World in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania. She is an archaeologist who focuses on cultural landscapes, environmental history, and complex societies in the Middle East and South Caucasia. Her methodological expertise is in landscape archaeology, GIS, and satellite remote sensing techniques. Through field research in southeastern Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Azerbaijan, she has studied the relationship between mobile pastoral and sedentary communities of the Bronze Age, Iron Age, and medieval/Ottoman periods in agriculturally marginal landscapes.
Emily Hammer (PhD, Anthropology, Harvard University 2012) is the Assistant...
Mats Widgren is professor emeritus at the Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University. He has researched the history of agricultural landscapes in Scandinavia and in eastern and southern Africa, from the Iron Age to the present. Among is publications are Settlement and Farming Systems in the early Iron Age (1983), Islands of Intensive Agriculture in Eastern Africa (2004 with John Sutton) and Landesque Capital: The Historical Ecology of Enduring Landscape Modifications (2014 with Thomas Håkansson). He is currently leading a team in the mapping of global agricultural systems 1000 CE to 1800 CE.
Mats Widgren is professor emeritus at the Department of Human...
Andrew Bauer (PhD, University of Chicago 2010) is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University, where his research and teaching interests broadly focus on the archaeology of human-environment relations. Andrew’s primary research is based in South India, where he co-directs interdisciplinary fieldwork that draws on remote sensing, geomorphological, paleoecological, and archaeological data to investigate relationships among landscape histories, cultural practices, and the development of institutionalized forms of social inequalities and difference over the last six thousand years. As an extension of his archaeological work he is interested in the intersections of landscape histories with contemporary conservation politics and climate change.
Andrew Bauer (PhD, University of Chicago 2010) is an Assistant...
Laura Popova (PhD in Anthropology, University of Chicago, 2006) has been at ASU since 2006 and specializes in the archaeology and paleoecology of Bronze Age Russia. She is affiliated with the School of Human Evolution and Social Change and the Melikian Center of Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies. Currently, Dr. Popova’s research focuses on the politics of pastoral land use, past and present, focusing in particular on Central Asia and Russia.
Laura Popova (PhD in Anthropology, University of Chicago, 2006) has...
Alice Yao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago. Her research focuses on the archaeology of frontier societies in ancient China’s southwest borderlands. Currently she is directing a field project that combines archaeological excavations, paleoenvironmental records, and remote sensing to assess Late Holocene land use and agrarian practices in the highland lacustrine basins of Yunnan. This collaborative work aims to address the interplay between monsoonal variation and contexts of agricultural intensification over the course of 2500 years.
Alice Yao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of...
Umberto Lombardo (PhD, University of Bern 2012) is a post doc at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona with an SNF Advanced Postdoc Mobility grant. He is a geographer who studies landscape evolution and human-environment interactions in southern Amazonia during the Holocene. His interests include neotectonics, fluvial geomorphology, paleosols, pre-Columbian agriculture and settlement patterns and the region’s earliest hunter-gatherer occupations.
Umberto Lombardo (PhD, University of Bern 2012) is a post...
Eduardo Góes Neves has a BA in History, University of São Paulo, PhD in Archaeology, Indiana University, Professor of Brazilian Archaeology, Museum for Archaeology and Ethnology, University of São Paulo, He works in the Brazilian Amazon.
Eduardo Góes Neves has a BA in History, University of...
Dr Bates is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvannia, working on the LandCover6k project, the archaeobotanical remains from Kadebakele and other Southern India Neolithic – Early Historic sites and materials from the TwoRains project in the Indus Civilisation c.3200-1300BC.
Her research uses archaeobotanical data to explore questions about the broader social, cultural and environmental contexts of how societies were internally organised, how villages and cities interacted during periods of urbanisation and deurbanisation, what happens when cultures meet and interact, and how people reacted during periods of climatic instability.
Dr Bates is currently supervising Ka Ki Jacqueline ‘Jacky’ Chan in sorting and identifying macrobotanical remains from the EHLTC project in the lab. She is also the lab safety coordinator.
Dr. Hill is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, working as a GIS specialist on the LandCover6K project. Dr Hill is an archaeologist specializing in remoste sensine, GIS, and faunal analysis. His research focuses on the later prehistory of the Near east. he is the field director of the Galilee Prehistory Project, a long term project focused on the Chalcolithic period in northern Israel, and co-director of the Landscapes of the Dead research project, which uses drones to monitor looting at Early Bronze Age cemeteries in Jordan.
Last Name | First Name | Institution | Region | Sub Region | Discipline |
Antolin | Ferran | Basel University, Switzerland | Europe | Western Mediterranean | Archaeology |
Baum | Tilman | Basel University, Switzerland | Europe | Central and eastern Europe | Archaeology |
Bishop | Rosie | University College , Dublin, Ireland | Europe | Britain, Ireland | Archaeology |
Bleicher | Niels | City of Zürich, Office for Urbanism, Switzerland | Europe | Archaeology | |
Bogaard | Amy | University of Oxford, United Kingdom | Europe, Asia | Europe, Turkey | Archaeology |
Buckland | Phil | ||||
Dreslerova | Dagmar | Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czechia | Europe | Central and eastern Europe | Archaeology |
Dusseldorp | Gerrit | ||||
Filipovic | Dragana | University of Kiel, Germany | Europe | Greece, Balkans | Archaeology |
Fiorentino | Girolamo | University of Salento, Italy | Europe | Archaeology | |
Fyfe | Ralph | Plymouth, United Kingdom | Europe | North, Central, and Eastern Europe | Archaeology |
Gadot | Yuval | University of Tel-Aviv, Israel | Europe | Eastern Mediterranean | Archaeology |
Gronenborn | Detlef | Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Germany | Europe | Archaeology | |
Hafner | Albert | University of Bern, Switzerland | Europe | Archaeology | |
Halstead | Paul | University of Sheffield, UK | Europe | Greece, Balkans | Archaeology |
Herold | Hajnalka | University of Exeter, United Kingdom | Europe | Early medieval Central Europe | Archaeology |
Hilpert | Johanna | University of Cologne | Europe | Northern Europe, British Isles | Archaeology |
Jacomet | Stefanie | University of Basel, Switzerland | Europe | Archaeology | |
Klein Goldewijk | Kees | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Europe | Archaeology | |
Kluiving | Sjoerd | VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands | Europe | Archaeology | |
Kolář | Jan | Masaryk University and Institute of Botany CAS, Czech Republic | Europe | Moravia | Archaeology |
Laabs | Julian | University of Bern, Switzerland | Europe | Switzerland, Germany, Austria | Archaeology |
Lancelotti | Carla | ||||
Ludlow | Francis | Trinity College Dublin, Ireland | Europe | Ireland | History |
Madella | Marco | ||||
Marinova | Elena | State Office for Cultural heritage, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany | Europe | Greece, Balkans | Archaeology |
Martinez Grau | Hector | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain | Europe | Western Mediterranean | Archaeology |
Maughan | Nicolas | Aix-Marseille University, France | Europe | Southeast France | Historical Geography |
McLatchie | Meriel McLatchie | University College Dublin, Ireland | Europe | Northern Europe, British Isles | Archaeology |
McLaughlin | Rowan | ||||
Moskal-del-Hoyo | Magdalena | W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland | Europe | Central and eastern Europe | Archaeology |
Myrdal | Janken | Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden | Europe | Archaeology | |
Navarrete | Vanessa | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain | Europe | Western Mediterranean | Archaeology |
Novac | Marek | ||||
Out | Welmoed | Moesgaard Museum, Denmark | Europe | northern Europe, British Isles | Archaeology |
Parkinson | Eoin | ||||
Pinke | Zsolt | Szent István University, Hungary | Europe | History | |
Richer | Suzi | University of York, UK | Europe | Archaeology | |
Riede | Felix | Aarhus University, Denmark | Europe | Denmark | Archaeology |
Roberts | Neil | Plymouth University, United Kingdom | Europe | Turkey, Mediterranean | Archaeology |
Robinson | Erick | University of Wyoming, United States | Europe and North America | Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Serbia, and the United Kingdom | Anthropology |
Sana Segui | Maria | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain | Europe | Western Mediterranean | Archaeology |
Schulting | Rick | University of Oxford, United Kingdom | Europe | Western Europe | Archaeology |
Shennan | Stephen | University College London, United Kingdom | Europe | Archaeology | |
Styring | Amy | ||||
Szabó | Péter | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary | Europe | History | |
Tello | Enric | University of Barcelona, Spain | Europe | Mediterranean, Spain | Geography |
Thomas | Richard | University of Leicester, UK | Europe | England | Archaeology |
Vander Linden | Marc | University of Cambridge, UK | Europe | Balkans | Archaeology |
Whitehouse | Nicki | University of Plymouth, UK | Europe | Ireland, British Isles | Paleogeography |
Scarborough | Vernon | University of Cincinnati, United States | Central America | Belieze, Guatemala | Archaeology |
Isendahl | Christian | University of Gothenburg, Sweden | Central America, South America | Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil | History |
Lombardo | Umberto | Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain | South America, Central America | Bolivian Amazon | Historical Geography |
Neves | Eduardo Góes | Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil | South America, Central America | Neotropics, Amazonia | Archaeology |
Iriarte | José | University of Exeter, United Kingdom | South America, Central America | Amazonia, Rio de la Plata Basin | Archaeology |
Combettes | Claire | Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France | Oceania | Vanuatu | Archaeology |
Martindale | Andrew | University of British Columbia and Canadian Archaeological Radiocarbon Database (CARD), Canada | North America | Canada | Archaeology |
Anderson | David | University of Tennessee-Knoxville and Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA), United States | North America | Eastern United States | Archaeology |
Fisher | Christopher | Colorado State University, United States | North America | Mexico | Archaeology |
Doolittle | William | University of Texas at Austin, United States | North America | Mexico | Historical Geography |
Lepofsky | Dana | Simon Fraser University, United States | North America | Pacific Northwest | Archaeology |
Strawhacker | Colleen | National Snow & Ice Data Center and University of Colorado, Boulder, United States | North America | U.S. Southwest, Peru, and the North Atlantic | Archaeology |
Foster | Thomas | University of Tulsa, United States | North America | History | |
Wandsnider | LuAnn | University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States | North America | Archaeology | |
Wells | Josh | Indiana University South Bend and Digital Index of North American Archaeology (DINAA), United States | North America | Archaeology | |
McLeester | Maddie | University of Chicago, United States | North America | Calumet region, United States | Archaeology |
Arroyo-Kalin | Manuel | University College London, UK | South America | Amazonia | Archaeology |
Betancourt | Carla Jaimes | University of Bonn, Germany | South America | Amazonia | Archaeology |
McMichael | Crystal | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands | South America | Amazonia | Archaeology |
Moraes | Claide P. | Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Brazil | South America | Amazonia | Archaeology |
Rostain | Stéphen | Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France | South America | Amazonia | Archaeology |
Schmidt | Morgan J. | Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Brazil | South America | Amazonia | Archaeology |
Tamanaha | Eduardo | Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, Brazil | South America | Amazonia | Archaeology |
Vacher | Jean | Institute de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), France | South America | Andes | Historical Geography |
Soledad Melendez | Ana | Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Argentina | South America | Patagonia | Archaeology |
Pallo | Cecelia | Argentine National Science Council (CONICET), Argentina | South America | Southern Patagonia between Argentina and Chile | Archaeology |
Ignacio Gasparri | Nestor | National University of Tucuman, Argentina | South America | History | |
Riris | Philip | University College London, UK | South America | Archaeology | |
Balee | William | Tulane University, United States | South America | Amazonia, South America | Anthropology |
Cruz | Pablo | Argentine National Science Council (CONICET), Argentina | South America | Southern Andes | Archaeology |
Lombardo | Umberto | Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain | South America, Central America | Bolivian Amazon | Historical Geography |
Neves | Eduardo Góes | Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil | South America, Central America | Neotropics, Amazonia | Archaeology |
Iriarte | José | University of Exeter, United Kingdom | South America, Central America | Amazonia, Rio de la Plata Basin | Archaeology |
Sluyter | Andrew | Louisiana State University, USA | South America, North America | History | |
Chatterjee | Sharmistha | University of Calcutta, India | South Asia | Bengal | Archaeology |
Gongopadhyay | Kaushik | University of Calcutta, India | South Asia | Bengal | Archaeology |
Selvakumar | V. | Tamil University, India | South Asia | coastal south, TN, Kerala | Archaeology |
Saini | Rakesh | Dr Harisingh Gour Central University, India | South Asia | Himalaya | Archaeology |
Bauer | Andrew | Stanford University, United States | South Asia | India | Archaeology |
Morrison | Kathleen D. | University of Pennsylvania, USA | South Asia | India | Archaeology |
Ajithprasad | P. | MS Univ. Baroda, India | South Asia | Indus | Archaeology |
Perez | Oscar | Pompeu Fabra, Spain | South Asia | Indus, Gujarat, archaeozoology | Archaeology |
Petrie | Cameron | University of Cambridge, UK | South Asia | Indus, Sri Lanka | Archaeology |
Spate | Michael | University of Sydney, Australia | South Asia | Kashmir | Archaeology |
Casile | Anne | IFP, India | South Asia | Madhya Pradesh | Archaeology |
Khaladkar | Varada | South Asia | Maharashtra | Archaeology | |
Menon | Jaya | Shiv Nadar, India | South Asia | north | Archaeology |
Varma | Supriya | JNU, India | South Asia | north | Archaeology |
Hazarike | Manjil | South Asia | Northeast | Archaeology | |
Anupama | K. | IFP, India | South Asia | pollen rep for LC6k | Archaeology |
Trivedi | Mudit | University of Chicago, USA | South Asia | Rajasthan, Delhi, paleo | Archaeology |
Haricharan | Smriti | NIAS, India | South Asia | Tamil Nadu, IA/EH | Archaeology |
Korisettar | Ravi | Karnatak University, India | South Asia | western India | Archaeology |
Lancelotti | Carla | Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain | South Asia | Archaeology | |
Nair | Deepak | South Asia | Archaeology | ||
Adeaga | Olusegun | University of Lagos, Nigeria | Africa | West Africa | Geography |
Aleru | Jonathan | University of Ibadan, Nigeria | Africa | West Africa | Archaeology |
Biagetti | Stefano | Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain | Africa | Archaeology | |
Boles | Oliver | University of Pennsylvania, USA | Africa | East Africa | Archaeology |
Clarke | Joanne | University of East Anglia, United Kingdom | Africa, Asia | Near East, North Africa, Western Sahara | Archaeology |
Dennis | Bamidele Sunday | National Centre for Youth Development, Nigeria | Africa | West Africa | |
Ekblom | Anneli | Uppsala University, Sweden | Africa | Mozambique | Archaeology |
Elizabeth | Kyazike | Kyambogo University, Uganda | Africa | East Africa | Archaeology |
Hannaford | Matthew | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Africa | Southern Africa | Geography |
Jane | Hmphries | ||||
Khalaf | Nadia | ||||
Kiahtipes | Chris | University of Cologne, Germany | Africa | Central Africa | Archaeology |
Kyazike | Elizabeth | Kyambogo University, Uganda | Africa | Uganda | Archaeology |
Lane | Paul | University of Cambridge, UK | Africa | Eastern Africa | Archaeology |
Leclerc | Christian | CIRAD, Montpellier, France | Africa | Eastern Africa | Anthropology |
Logan | Amanda | Northwestern University, USA | Africa | Archaeology | |
Manning, Katie | Katie | ||||
Manyanga | Munyaradzi | University of Zimbabwe | Africa | Southern Africa | Archaeology |
Marchant | Robert | ||||
mvimi | malebogo | ||||
Ndiema | Emmanuel | ||||
Phelps | Leanne | ||||
Russel | Thembiwe | University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa | Africa | Southern Africa | Archaeology |
Shikoni | Abel | University of Dodoma, Tanzania | Africa | East Africa | Archaeology |
Ssemulende | Robert | University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania | Africa | East Africa | Archaeology |
Stump | Daryl | University of York, UK | Africa | East Africa | Archaeology |
Styring | Amy | University of Frankfurt, Germany | Africa | West Africa | Archaeology |
Sulas | Federica | ||||
Widgren | Mats | Stockholm University, Sweden | Africa | Historical Geography |
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